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Fire Force: Wearing his Pride | 1 x 20 – recap

We pick up this episode with Hinawa being cornered by the White-Clad Knight, Arrow. And Shinra engaging with two members of the White-Clad who are holding Viktor Licht hostage. We don’t spend much time with Shinra after his initial attack.

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Fire Force: Into the Nether | 1 x19 – recap

The 8th company has been searching for the White-Clad and finds out that they are running their operation out of the Nether, a now-defunct railway under the city.

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Fire Force: We Are Family | 1 x16 – recap

This episode continues with the story of Vulcan, the engineer that the 8th and every other Fire Force company is trying to recruit. At this point, he has asked Shinra, Arthur, and Iris to leave but on good terms. Vulcan tells Lisa and Yu that they are family and that their bond won’t break as he shares his vision of creating sustainable robotics to help evolve the world.

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Fire Force: The Blacksmith’s Dream | 1 x 15 – recap

In the last episode, the 8th and the 7th company became allies in the mission to find the corruption in the Fire Force. Yona and Arrow escape back to their lair where Shinra’s brother, Sho is waiting for them. They tell Sho about what happened in Asakusa and he decides that he needs to go with them to acquire Shinra because of his Adolla link.

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