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Categoryvideo game reviews

Opinion: Destiny 2 is in a great place

I’m a long time Destiny player. I’ve enjoyed my time with this game. Through the ups and the interesting times, I played and so did many others. But now, Destiny 2 is in the best place it’s been since Taken King.

Sure, Cayde-6 had to die and pretty much every guardian you come across is Dredgen but, hey at least we’re having fun, right?

I remember the height of Destiny. Always the top of the Twitch directory, never a dull moment with the grind for over-powered but fun weapons, and a very creative community that always made their own fun.

Members of the community made full blown charity events in the process of enjoying the game!

However, as being a content creator becomes more and more accessible, the voice of the community seems to be trending to a toxic conversation. Rants about economy issues in the game are a mainstay, loot drop issues, and lack of reasons to grind.

But, I think Destiny 2 is actually in a great place in this post Forsaken world with the annual pass.

There is more to do in this game than ever before.  As a player, we have a longer content loop. You can do strikes, you can grind the Dreaming City, run the Black Armory Forges, and now play out the new modes, Gambit Prime and Reckoning in Season of the Drifter.  And let’s not forget we still have two viable raids available as well.

In my honest opinion, I don’t believe we are expected to do each loop for each piece of content. At least not for the average player.

There are times when I don’t get to every milestone before reset. But for those privileged to be able to grind the content daily and reach max power in two or three days, I have a question.

Do you realize the weight your voice holds?

Between using your platform and attending summits, you are speaking for the collective.

Would it be so terrible to admit that the seasonal content since Forsaken has actually added much needed depth to the game?

Random rolls are back, new loot to chase, titles to grind for, longer content loops to play, and materials to stack.

Isn’t that the name of the game?

Plus, the lore is getting really interesting in the game. Have you been able to read up on the Emissary?

Sure no game is perfect and no developer can make the entire player base happy all the time. But, I’m enjoying Bungie’s game. And perhaps focusing on those positives is why I think Destiny 2 is in a great place.