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Opinion: Scared out of buying Anthem

During the Anthem Demo, I played. My initial thought was, wow this is a beautiful game. I found a really hard hitting sniper right at the start of my game play and kept it on the entire time. Why change something that works?

The story that I encountered didn’t really make sense to me so I chose to not waste my time trying to figure it out.

And after my first hour, some of my friends jumped on and we played. We were enjoying doing the open missions together. I even unlocked the Storm Javelin.

My favorite part was the co-op. However, the co-op turned sour when my entire group was kicked from the server during a stronghold mission at the boss.

My entire group didn’t think twice to quit, because who wants to go through all of the over again just to be kicked?

And that was just the demo.

After the official launch, I didn’t hear any good news. I saw reports of the game crashing, secret patches, and boycotts by the player base until BioWare and EA fixed the game.

And then a new patch 1.0.4 was released and it sounded like a nice band aid.

But the first thing I hear is a negative review about loot caches containing cosmetic items instead of quality upgrades for your freelancer.

I don’t know. It sounds scary to me. And it doesn’t sound like something I want to invest my time in. No offense, but as a player that stuck it out with Destiny and Destiny 2, I am now content with the space that the game is in and how it’s shaping up.

See my opinion piece on the current state of Destiny 2.

I’ll keep a watch out for positive feedback, but I am not interested in starting all over again with Anthem. For the players who are playing Anthem and wish it was better…

Good luck, let me know how that goes in three to five years.


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